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    Heraldry History


As an authorised licensee for Hall of Names, we have the most respected heraldry data in the world.


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For over 30 years with careful and meticulous attention to every detail, we have been the leading makers of surname histories and heraldic artwork. Authenticity is our trademark. Accurate texts and registers from all over the world have been collected to make up our source library.

Our product is guaranteed 100%. Right to Bear Arms:  Our Coats of Arms are heraldically accurate depictions of an Armorial borne by a bearer of the depicted surname or one of its spelling variations, at some point in history.

We create the Coats of Arm and crest by interpreting the Blazons (technical descriptions) in the most recognized Armorial source books.  To actually bear arms, you must be granted the coat of Arms by one of the Colleges of Arms, or prove descent from someone who once bore the arms in question. 

In  England and Wales, Arms are granted under the authority of the Earl Marshall by the Garter King of Arms, in Scotland by the Lyon King of Arms, and in Ireland by the Ulster King of Arms. Similar bodies exist in Europe and in other countries. 

There will certainly be more than one Coat of Arms associated with most surnames. We have generally tried to locate the oldest one on record for the region of interest. 

Our Coats of Arms can be displayed with pride as a piece of historical artwork.

The Language of Heraldry

Contrary to popular opinion, coats of arms were rarely recorded visually, that is to say in the form of a picture or drawing. And so, today it is often up to the heraldic artist to render arms from a written descriptions. As a result, there is no absolutely correct way to draw or paint a lion rampant, for example; however, the size, proportions portions and positioning of the lion do follow a precise format that is still observed today.

The language used to describe the heraldic tinctures (metals, colors and furs), ordinaries and devices developed to quite a concise but common language throughout Europe by the sixteenth century. This is called blazoning. While many countries often recorded the arms in their own language, the structure was for the most part universal (generally the tincture of the surface of the shield is provided first, followed by ordinaries and devices or emblazons and their colors. Thus the expression " Ar... a lion ramp. sa..." can be translated to "Argent, a lion rampant, sable" or a silver shield with a black lion rampant. As you can see, the heraldic description is neither French, Latin or English but a mixture of many languages that has developed over the centuries.



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